Plasma diagnostics of supernova remnant 3C 400.2 by Suzaku observations
M. Onuma, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, H. Uchiyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 1202-1210 (2024)
The XRISM first-light observation: Velocity structure and thermal properties of the supernova remnant N132D
XRISM collaboration (including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 1186-1201 (2024)
The XRISM/Resolve View of the Fe K Region of Cyg X-3
XRISM collaboration (including K. K. Nobukawa)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977, L34 (2024)
XRISM Spectroscopy of the Fe Kα Emission Line in the Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 4151 Reveals the Disk, Broad-line Region, and Torus
XRISM collaboration (including K. K. Nobukawa)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 973, L25 (2024)
X-Raying Neutral Density Disturbances in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere induced by the 2022 Hunga-Tonga Volcano Eruption-Explosion
S. Katsuda, H. Shinagawa, H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Motizuki, M. Nakajima, K. Nakazawa, K. K. Nobukawa, Y. Otsuka, A. Shinbori, T. Sori, C. Tao, M. S. Tashiro, Y. Wada, T. Yamawaki
Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL112025 (2024)
XRISM Spectroscopy of the Fe Kα Emission Line in the Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 4151 Reveals the Disk, Broad-line Region, and Torus
XRISM Collaboration (including K. K. Nobukawa)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 973, L25 (2024)
SUIM project: measuring the upper atmosphere from the ISS by observations of the CXB transmitted through the Earth rim
K. K. Nobukawa, A. Takeda, S. Katsuda, T. G. Tsuru, K. Nakazawa, K. Mori, H. Uchida, M. Nobukawa, E. Kurogi, T. Kishimoto, R. Matsui, Y. Aoki, Y. Ito, S. Kuwano, T. Tanaka, M. Uenomachi, M. Matsuda, T. Yamawaki, T. Kohmura
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130932G (2024)
Feasibility study of upper atmosphere density measurement on the ISS by observations of the CXB transmitted through the Earth rim
T. Kishimoto, K. K. Nobukawa, A. Takeda, T. G. Tsuru, S. Katsuda, K. Nakazawa, K. Mori, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchida, Y. Kawabe, S. Kuwano, E. Kurogi, Y. Ito, Y. Aoki
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130935J (2024)
In-orbit performance of the Xtend-XMA onboard XRISM
K. Tamuma et al. (including K. Nobukawa, Y. Aoki, Y. Ito)
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130931M (2024)
Status of Xtend telescope onboard X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)
K. Mori et al. (including K. Nobukawa, Y. Aoki, Y. Ito)
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130931I (2024)
XRISM/Xtend Transient Search (XTS) detected SN2024iss
T. Yoshida et al. (including K. Nobukawa)
The Astronomer's Telegram, 16632 (2024)
New CCD driving technique to suppress anomalous charge intrusion from outside the imaging area for soft x-ray imager of Xtend onboard XRISM
H. Noda, M. Aoyagi, K. Mori, H. Tomida, H. Nakajima, T. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, H. Murakami. H. Uchida, T. G. Tsuru, K Miyazaki, K. Kusunoki、Y. Kanemaru, Y. Aoki, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, K. Shima, M. Yoshimoto, K. Asakura, H. Matsumoto, T. Yoneyama, S. B. Kobayashi, K. Hagino, H. Uchiyama, K. Hayashida
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130935X (2024)
Initial operations of the Soft X-ray Imager onboard XRISM
H. Suzuki, T. Yoneyama, S. B. Kobayashi, H. Noda, H. Uchida, K. K. Nobukawa, K. Hagino, K. Mori, H. Tomida, H. Nakajima, T. Tanaka, H. Murakami, H. Uchiyama, M. Nobukawa, Y. Kanemaru, Y. Otsuka, H. Yokosu, W. Yonemaru, H. Nakano, K. Ichikawa, R. Takemoto, T. Matsushima, M. Yoshimoto, M. Aoyagi, K. Shima, Y. Aoki, Y. Ito, K. Fukuda, H. Kiyama, D. Aoki, K. Fujisawa, Y. Shimizu, M. Higuchi, M. Fukuda, N. Sakamoto, R. Azuma, S. Inoue, T. Kohmura, M. Yamauchi, I. Hatsukade, H. Matsumoto, H. Odaka, T. Mizuno, T. Yoshida, Y. Maeda, M. Ishida, T. G. Tsuru, K. Yamaoka, T. Okajima, T. Hayashi, J. S. Hiraga, M. Ozaki, T. Dotani, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida
Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130935Z (2024)
Suzaku observations of Fe K-shell lines in the supernova remnant W51C and hard X-ray sources in the proximity
K. K. Nobukawa
Proceedings of Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources XIV (2024)
Detection of the neutral iron line from the supernova remnant W49B with Suzaku
N. Suzuki, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Katsuda
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, pp.265-271 (2024)
Suzaku spectral analysis of an X-ray emitting plasma in the supernova remnant G352.7-0.1
A. Fujishige, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, pp.907-912 (2023)
Simulation study of pulse height difference between pixel patterns of X-ray CCDs onboard the XRISM satellite
Y. Aoki, K. K. Nobukawa, et al.
Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, id 036 (2023)
Spectral study of the Galactic ridge X-ray emission with Suzaku: Comparison of the spectral shape with point sources
K. Yamamoto, S. Yamauchi, M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, pp.522-528 (2003)
Initial state of the recombining plasma in supernova remnant W 28
R. Himono, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, N. Suzuki
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, pp.373-383 (2023)
Confirmation of dust scattering echo around MAXI J1421-613 by Swift observation
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi
Advances in Space Research, 71, 1074-1079 (2023)
A broadband x-ray imaging spectroscopy in the 2030s: the FORCE mission
M. Koji et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Proceedings of the SPIE, 12181, id.1218122 (2022)
Xtend, the soft x-ray imaging telescope for the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)
M. Koji et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Proceedings of the SPIE, 12181, id.121811T (2022)
Suzaku Observations of Fe K-shell Lines in the Supernova Remnant W51C and Hard X-ray Sources in the Proximity
A. Shimaguchi, K. K. Nobukawa (Corresponding author), S. Yamauchi, M. Nobukawa, Y. Fujita
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 74, 656 (2022)
Discovery of a Wind-blown Bubble Associated with the Supernova Remnant G346.6-0.2: A Hint for the Origin of Recombining Plasma
H. Sano, H. Suzuki, K. K. Nobukawa, M. D. Filiprovic, Y. Fukui, T. J. Moriya
Astrophysical Journal, 923, 15 (2021)
X-Ray Emission from the PeVatron-candidate Supernova Remnant G106.3+2.7
Y. Fujita, A. Bamba, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Matsumoto
Astrophysical Journal, 912, 133 (2021)
Measurement of Low-energy Cosmic Rays
K. K. Nobukawa
New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 528, Proceedings of a workshop held 21-24 October 2019 at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan. Edited by Masato Tsuboi and Tomoharu Oka. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2021), p.415
Intrusion of Cosmic-Rays into Molecular Clouds Studied by Ionization, the Neutral Iron Line, and Gamma-Rays
Y. Fujita, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Sano
Astrophysical Journal, 908, 136 (2021)
Screening and selection of XRISM/Xtend flight model CCD
T. Yoneyama et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 985, 164676 (2021)
Experimental studies on the charge transfer inefficiency of CCD developed for the soft X-ray imaging telescope Xtend aboard the XRISM satellite
Y. Kanemaru et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 984, 164646 (2020)
Optical blocking performance of CCDs developed for the X-ray Astronomy Satellite XRISM
H. Uchida et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 978, 164374 (2020)
Discovery of recombining plasma associated with the candidate supernova remnant G189.6+3.3 with Suzaku
S. Yamauchi, M. Oya, K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Pannuti
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 72, 81 (2020)
X-ray emission from the mixed-morphology supernova remnant HB 9
M. Saito, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, A. Bamba, T. G. Pannuti
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 72, 65 (2020)
Discovery of annular X-ray emission centered on MAXI J1421−613: Dust-scattering X-rays?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 72, 31 (2020)
Characterization of diffuse X-ray emission from IGR J17448-3232: an implication of a line-of-sight merging activity
S. Watanabe, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Akamatsu
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 116 (2019)
Neutral iron line in the supernova remnant IC 443 and implications for MeV cosmic rays?
K. K. Nobukawa, A. Hirayama, A. Shimaguchi, Y. Fujita, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 115 (2019)
Low-energy Cosmic Rays in Supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds
K. K. Nobukawa
Proceedings of Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIII (2019)
Interaction between Molecular Clouds and MeV–TeV Cosmic-ray Protons Escaped fromSupernova Remnants
K. Makino, Y. Fujita, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Matsumoto, Y. Ohira
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 78 (2019)
X-ray spectra of Sgr A East and diffuse X-raybackground near the Galactic center
A. Ono, H. Uchiyama, S. Yamauchi, M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa, K. Koyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 52 (2019)
New Scenario of plasma evolution in IC 443
A. Hirayama, S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, K. Koyam
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 37 (2019)
Measurement of Low-Energy Cosmic Rays via the Neutral Iron Line
K. K. Nobukawa, S. Saji, A. Hirayama, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, H. Matsumoto, K. Koyama
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1181 012040 (2019)
Radiation hardness of a p-channel notch CCD developed for the X-ray CCD camera onboard the XRISM satellite
Y. Kanemaru et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Journal of Instrumentation, 14, C04003 (2019)
Detection of polarized gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi Soft Gamma-ray Detector
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 113 (2018)
Origin of the low-temperature plasma in the Galactic center X-ray emission
S. Yamauchi, M. Shimizu, M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 82 (2018)
Soft X-ray imaging telescope (Xtend) onboard X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission (XARM)
K. Hayashida, et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Proceedings of the SPIE, 10699, 1069923 (2018)
Concept of the X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission
M. Tashiro, et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Proceedings of the SPIE, 10699, 1069922 (2018)
Hitomi X-ray observation of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 38 (2018)
Discovery of 6.4 keV line and soft X-ray emissions from G323.7-1.0 with Suzaku
S. Saji, H. Matsumoto, M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, S. Yamauchi, K. Koyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 23 (2018)
In-orbit performance of the soft X-ray imaging system aboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H)
H. Nakajima et al.(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 21 (2018)
Glimpse of the highly obscured HMXB IGR J16318-4848 with Hitomi
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 17 (2018)
Hitomi Observations of the LMC SNR N132D: Highly Redshifted X-ray Emission from Iron Ejecta
Hitomi collaboration
(Correponding authors: E. D. Miller, H. Yamaguchi, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Sawada, M. Nobukawa, S. Katsuda, H. Mori)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 16 (2018)
Hitomi X-ray studies of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 15 (2018)
Search for thermal X-ray features from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi soft X-ray spectrometer
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 14 (2018)
Hitomi observation of radio galaxy NGC 1275: The first X-ray microcalorimeter spectroscopy of Fe-Ka line emission from an active galactic nucleus
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 13 (2018)
Atomic data and spectral modeling constraints from high-resolution X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster with Hitomi
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 12 (2018)
Temperature structure in the Perseus cluster core observed with Hitomi
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 11 (2018)
Measurements of resonant scattering in the Perseus Cluster core with Hitomi SXS
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 10 (2018)
Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 9 (2018)
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite
T. Takahashi et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4, 021402 (2018)
Evidence for a neutral iron line generated by MeV protons from supernova remnants interacting with molecular clouds
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, K. Koyama, S. Yamauchi, H. Uchiyama, H. Okon, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, T. G. Tsuru
Astrophysical Journal, 854, 87 (2018)
Transition from Young to Middle-aged Supernova Remnants:Thermaland Nonthermal aspects of the SNR N132D
A. Bamba, Y. Ohira, R. Yamazaki, M. Sawada, Y. Terada, K. Koyama, E. D. Miller, H. Yamaguchi, S. Katsuda, M.Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa
Astrophysical Journal, 854, 71 (2018)
Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster
Hitomi collaboration
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Nature, 551, 478 (2017)
Soft X-ray Imager aboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H)
T. Tanaka et al.
(including K. K. Nobukawa)
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4, 011211 (2017)
First discovery of iron line emission generated by low-energy cosmic rays
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, H. Uchiyama, K. Koyama
Proceedings of 35th ICRC, 687 (2017)
Localized Recombining Plasma in G166.0+4.3: A Supernova Remnant with an Unusual Morphology
H. Matsumura, H. Uchida, T. Tanaka, T. G. Tsuru, M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Itou
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 30 (2017)
Origin of the Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emission: Fe Line Diagnostics with Suzaku
M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, H. Uchiyama, K. Koyama
Proceedings of the XII Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources Workshop (2017)
Origin of the Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emission: Iron K-Shell Line Diagnostics
M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, K. K. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, K. Koyama
The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 322, 206 (2017)
Origin of the Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emission: Iron K-shell Line Diagnostics
M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, K. K. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi, K. Koyama
The Astrophysical Journal, 833, 268 (2016)
Scale heights and equivalent widths of the iron K-shell lines in the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission
S. Yamauchi, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, K. Koyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, 59 (2016)
Modeling the spectral response for the soft X-ray imager onboard the ASTRO-H satellite
S. Inoue et al. (including K. K. Nobukawa)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 831, 415 (2016)
Recombining plasma in the remnant of a core-collapsed supernova, Kes 17
R. Washino, H. Uchida, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, T. Tanaka, K. K. Nobukawa
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, S4 (2016)
Spectrum of Relativistic and Subrelativistic Cosmic Rays in the 100 pc Central Region
V. A. Dogiel, D. O. Chernyshov, A. M. Kiselev, M. Nobukawa, K. S. Cheng, C. Y. Hui, C. M. Ko, K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru
The Astrophysical Journal, 809, 1 (2015)
Enhancement of the 6.4 keV Line in the Inner Galactic Ridge: Proton-induced Fluorescence?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, T. G. Tsuru, K. Torii, T. Tanaka, D. O. Chernyshov, Y. Fukui, V. A. Dogiel, K. Koyama
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 807, L10 (2015)
Discovery of New X-ray Sources near the Unidentified Gamma-ray Source HESS J1841-055
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
Advances in Space Research, 55, 2493-2499 (2015)
The galactic ridge X-ray emission: The 6.4 keV line
M. Nobukawa, K. K. Nobukawa
Proceedings of the XI Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources Workshop (MULTIF15). 25-30 May 2015. Palermo, Italy. id.28 (2016)
Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) onboard ASTRO-H
K. Hayashida, et al. (including K. K. Nobukawa)
Proceedings of the SPIE, 9144, 914429 (2014)
New Correction Method for CTI and Charge Trail of the Soft X-ray Imager onboard ASTRO-H
K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, M. Nobukawa, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, N. Anabuki, H. Nakajima, R. Nagino, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H. Tomida, C. Natsukari, M. Kimura, M. Yamauchi, K. Mori, I. Hatsukade, Y. Nishioka, T. Kohmura, J. S. Hiraga, H. Murakami
Proceedings of a conference on Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the frontiers of the X-ray universe, 196 (2014)
Suzaku observation of time variability of X-ray emission from molecular clouds in the Galactic center
M. Nobukawa, S. Nakashima, K. K. Nobukawa, K. Koyama
Proceedings of a conference on Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the frontiers of the X-ray universe, 54 (2014)
Origin of the 6.4-keV line of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission – First Report –
T. G. Tsuru, H. Uchiyama, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Nakashima, K. Koyama, K.Torii, Y. Fukui
Proceedings of a conference on Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the frontiers of the X-ray universe, 20 (2014)
Use of a Charge-Injection Technique to Improve Performance of the Soft X-ray Imager aboard ASTRO-H
K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, M. Nobukawa, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, N. Anabuki, H. Nakajima, R. Nagino, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H. Tomida, C. Natsukari, M. Kimura, M. Yamauchi, K. Mori, I. Hatsukade, Y. Nishioka, T. Kohmura, J. S. Hiraga, H. Murakami on behalf of the SXI team
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 765, 269-274 (2014)
Soft X-ray Imager(SXI) onboard ASTRO-H
K. Hayashida, H. Tsunemi, T. G. Tsuru, T. Dotani, H. Nakajima, N. Anabuki, R. Nagino, S. Ueda, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, M. Nobukawa, M. Ozaki, C. Natsukari, J. S. Hiraga, H. Tomida, M. Kimura, T. Kohmura, H. Murakami, K. Mori, M. Yamauchi, I. Hatsukade, Y. Nishioka, A. Bamba, S. Katada, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Iwai, K. Kondo, T. Takeyoshi, J. P. Doty
Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 914429 (2014)
Suzaku Observation of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient AX J1841.0-0536
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, No.64, 99 (2012)
Suzaku Observation of a Supergiant Fast X-Ray Transient, AX J1841.0-0536
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
AIP conference proceedings Suzaku 2011: Exploring the X-ray universe, 1427, 310 (2011)
日本天文学会 早川幸男基金による渡航報告書
天文月報 2019年8月号 580-581ページ
信川正順, 信川久実子
天文月報 2019年6月号 360-362ページ
Dust scattering echo around MAXI J1421-613 observed by Suzaku and Swift follow-up observations
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi
(MAXI 15 Year Workshop for the Time Domain Astronomy, Nihon University, Japan, 2024 Dec 10-12)
SUIM project: measuring the upper atmosphere from the ISS by observations of the CXB transmitted through the Earth rim
K. K. Nobukawa, A. Takeda, S. Katsuda, T. G. Tsuru, K. Nakazawa, K. Mori, H. Uchida, M. Nobukawa, E. Kurogi, T. Kishimoto, S. Kuwano, M. Uenomachi, M. Matsuda, T. Yamawaki
(SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, 2024 June 16-21)
Suzaku Observations of Fe K-shell Lines in the Supernova Remnant W51C and Hard X-ray Sources in the Proximity
K. K. Nobukawa (invited)
(Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIV, Palermo, Italy, June 12 - 17, 2023)
XRISM observations of the GC
K. K. Nobukawa (invited) on behalf of the XRISM GC team
(Galactic Center Workshop 2023, Granada, Spain, April 24 - 28, 2023)
Simulation study of pulse height difference between pixel patterns of X-ray CCDs onboard the XRISM satellite
Y. Aoki, K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, Y. Kanemaru, K. Miyazaki, K, Kusunoki, K. Mori, H. Tomida, H. Nakajima, H, Matsumoto, H. Noda, K. Hayashida, T. G. Tsuru, H. Uchida, T. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, T. Yoshida, T. Yoneyama, H. Murakami, M. Yamauchi, I. Hatsukade, K. Hagino, T. Kohmura, S. B. Kobayashi, J. S. Hiraga, H. Uchiyama, K. Yamaoka, M. Ozaki, T. Dotani, H. Tsunemi on behalf of the XRISM/Xtend team
(Tenth Intl. Workshop on Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 12 - 16, 2022)
Discovery of annular X-ray emission centered on MAXI J1421-613: Dust-scattering X-rays?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, S. Yamauchi
(43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, January 28 - February 4, 2021, オンデマンド発表)
Measurements of low-energy cosmic rays
K. K. Nobukawa (Invited)
(GCWS2019: New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, Keio University, Japan, October 21-24, 2019)
Low-energy cosmic rays in supernova remnants interacting with molecular clouds
K. K. Nobukawa (Invited)
(Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIII, Palermo, Italy, June 3-8, 2019)
Observations of neutral iron line in supernova remnants and implications for low-energy cosmic rays
K. K. Nobukawa
(SNR workshop 2018, Nagoya University, Japan, October 9-10, 2018)
Measurement of low-energy cosmic rays via the neutral iron line
K. K. Nobukawa (Invited)
(26th E+CRS/35th RCRC, Altai State University, Russia, June 6-10, 2018)
Low-Energy Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants
K. K. Nobukawa (Invited)
(SNR workshop 2017, Nagoya University, Japan, September 28-29, 2017)
First discovery of iron line emission generated by low-energy cosmic rays
K. K. Nobukawa
(35th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Busan, Korea, July 10-20, 2017)
Enhancement of the 6.4 keV line in the inner Galactic ridge: Proton-induced fluorescence?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, T. G. Tsuru, K. Torii, T. Tanaka, D. O. Chernyshov, Y. Fukui, V. A. Dogiel, K. Koyama
(The Galactic center workshop 2015, Nagoya Universiy, Japan, July 13-14, 2015)
Discovery of excess fluorescence Fe emission in the 3-4 degree eastern region of the Galactic center: Evidence for cosmic-ray bombardment on interstellar gas?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchiyama, T. G. Tsuru, K. Torii, Y. Fukui, K. Koyama
(The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 2-10, 2014)
Suzaku Observation of the Unidentified Gamma-ray Source HESS J1841-055
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 2-10, 2014)
Performance Verification and Calibration of the Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) aboard ASTRO-H
K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, M. Nobukawa, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, N. Anabuki, H. Nakajima, R. Nagino, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H. Tomida, C. Natsukari, M. Kimura, M. Yamauchi, K. Mori, I. Hatsukade, Y. Nishioka, T. Kohmura, J. S. Hiraga, H. Murakami on behalf of the SXI team
(9th International “Hiroshima” Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Hiroshima, Japan, September 1-5, 2013)
Feasibility study of upper atmosphere density measurement on the ISS by observations of the CXB transmitted through the Earth rim
T. Kishimoto, K. K. Nobukawa, A. Takeda, T. G. Tsuru, S. Katsuda, K. Nakazawa, K. Mori, M. Nobukawa, H. Uchida, Y. Kawabe, S. Kuwano, E. Kurogi, Y. Ito, Y. Aoki
(SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, 2024 June 16-21)
Measurement of low-energy cosmic rays in Supernova remnants via neutral iron line
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, H. Matsumoto, S. Yamauchi, H. Uchiyama, K. Koyama
(42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2018 July 14-22)
The 6.4 keV line emission in the Galactic ridge: Proton-induced fluorescence?
K. K. Nobukawa, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(Japanese-Dutch bilateral workshop: Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasma in the Era of ASTRO-H, Aoyama Gakuin University, May 25-29, 2015)
New Correction Method for CTI and Charge Trail of the Soft X-ray Imager onboard ASTRO-H
K. K. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, M. Nobukawa, T. Tanaka, H. Uchida, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, N. Anabuki, H. Nakajima, R. Nagino, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H. Tomida, C. Natsukari, M. Kimura, M. Yamauchi, K. Mori, I. Hatsukade, Y. Nishioka, T. Kohmura, J. S. Hiraga, H. Murakami on behalf of the SXI team
(Expanding the Frontiers of the X-ray Universe, Ehime University, February 19-22, 2014)
Suzaku Observation of a Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient, AX J1841.0-0536
K. Kawabata, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond, SLAC, USA, July 20-22, 2011)
X線SOI-CMOS イメージセンサを用いた超高層大気観測プロジェクト「SUIM」
超高層大気を観測するISS搭載X線SOI-CMOSピクセル検出器カメラの開発 (2)
信川久実子、岸本拓海、桒野慧、松井怜生、青木悠馬、伊藤耶馬斗、武田彩希、黒木瑛介、田中富貴、森浩二、 鶴剛、松田真宗、内田裕之、勝田哲、山脇鷹也、中澤知洋、信川正順、幸村孝由、上ノ町 水紀
青木悠馬、信川久実子、正嶋大和、信川正順、山内茂雄、松本浩典、内山秀樹、坪井陽子、前田良知、渡辺伸、鈴木寛大、金丸善朗、村上弘志、鶴剛、内田裕之、江口智士、中嶋大、勝田哲、澤田真理、吉本愛使、倉本春希、島耕平、成田拓仁、田中虎次郎、Richard Kelley、Q. Daniel Wang、Lia Corrales、Mayura Balakrishnan
信川久実子、鶴剛、信川正順、内山秀樹、前田良知、松本浩典、江口智士、村上弘志、坪井陽子、渡辺伸、金丸善朗、鈴木寛大、山内茂雄、吉本愛使、青木悠馬、正嶋大和、田中虎次郎、Lia Corrales、Mayura Balakrishnan、中嶋大、勝田哲、内田裕之、成田拓仁、倉本春希、島耕平、澤田真理、Richard Kelley、Q. Daniel Wang
X 線天文衛星 XRISM によるGCXE 成分の運動測定
青木悠馬、信川久実子、信川正順、山内茂雄、吉本愛使、内山秀樹、成田拓仁 on behalf of the XRISM Galactic Center PV team
信川久実子 on behalf of the XRISM Galactic Center PV team
宇宙線観測の民主化: 研究者みんなに、宇宙線観測を
(日本天文学会 2024年春季年会、東京大学、2024年3月11日-15日)
ISS から観測する大気透過 CXB を用いた大気密度測定の精度見積もり
(日本天文学会 2024年春季年会、東京大学、2024年3月11日-15日)
X線天文衛星すざくによる超新星残骸 G82.2+5.3 の観測
(SNR Workshop 2024、長良川国際会議場、2024年2月29日-3月1日)
(SNR Workshop 2024、長良川国際会議場、2024年2月29日-3月1日)
X線天文衛星すざくによる超新星残骸 3C 400.2 のプラズマ状態と近傍X線未同定天体の調査
(SNR Workshop 2024、長良川国際会議場、2024年2月29日-3月1日)
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
信川久実子、武田彩希、勝田哲、鶴剛、中澤知洋、森浩二、信川正順、内田裕之、 眞方恒陽、河邉圭寿、岸本拓海、黒木瑛介、桒野慧
(日本物理学会 第78回年次大会、東北大学、2023年9月16日-19日)
信川久実子(招待講演)、XRISM GCチーム
X線分光撮像衛星(XRISM) 搭載軟X線撮像装置(Xtend) の開発の現状(9)
信川久実子、森浩二、冨田洋、中嶋大、野田博文、林田清、鈴木寛大、小林翔悟、内田裕之、萩野浩一、青木悠馬、伊藤耶馬斗、金丸善朗、宮崎啓太郎、楠康平、大塚芳徳、横須晴彦、米丸若菜、市川雄大、中野瑛子、中村彰太郎、亀井貴光、朝倉一統、善本真梨那、大出優一、佐藤淳矢、袴田知宏、青柳美緒、角町駿、土居俊輝、青木大輝、藤澤海斗、清水康行、畠中大介、田中孝明、村上弘志、信川正順、内山秀樹、吉田鉄生、米山友景、幸村孝由、鶴剛、松本浩典、Takashi Okajima、石田学、前田良知、山内誠、廿日出勇、平賀純子、山岡和貴、尾崎正伸、堂谷忠靖、常深博、他 XRISM/Xtend チーム
信川久実子、XRISM GCチーム
(公益財団法人 山田科学振興財団 2022年度研究交歓会、東京コンファレンスセンター・品川、2022年10月29日)
青木悠馬、信川久実子、信川正順、金丸善朗、宮崎啓太郎、楠康平、森浩二、冨田洋、中嶋大、松本浩典、野田博文、林田清、鶴剛、内田裕之、田中孝明、鈴木寛大、吉田鉄生、米山友景、村上弘志、山内誠、廿日出勇、萩野浩一、幸村孝由、小林翔悟、平賀純子、内山秀樹、山岡和貴、尾崎正伸、堂谷忠靖、常深博、他 XRISM/Xtend チーム
(SNR Workshop 2022、オンライン開催、2022年3月28日-29日)
SwiftとすざくによるMAXI J1421-613のダスト散乱エコーの観測
(日本天文学会2022年春季年会、広島大学 (オンライン開催)、2022年3月2日-5日)
30 Doradus複合領域における中性鉄輝線の調査 (2)
MeV 宇宙線の研究とMeVガンマ線との関連
(第二回MeVガンマ線天文学研究会 、東京大学、2019年9月26日-27日)
30 Doradus複合領域における中性鉄輝線の調査
6.4 keV鉄輝線を用いた超新星残骸におけるMeV宇宙線の測定
MAXI J1421−613 周辺からのX線円環放射の発見
超新星残骸における MeV 陽子起源の中性鉄輝線放射
銀河リッジX線放射における中性鉄輝線の研究: 低エネルギー宇宙線の寄与(高宇連賞 受賞)
銀河リッジX線放射の6.4 keV輝線
信川久実子、信川正順、内山秀樹、鶴剛、鳥居和史、D. Chernyshov、田中孝明、V. Dogiel、福井康雄、小山勝二
(銀河系中心部ワークショップ2014 -銀河面外に残された痕跡-、名古屋大学、2014年5月9日)
ASTRO-H衛星搭載X線CCDカメラ (SXI) の地上較正実験とそれに用いるX線発生装置の製作
すざく衛星によるガンマ線未同定天体HESS J1841-055の観測
すざく衛星による大質量X線連星系AX J1841.0-0536の観測
(2024年 京都大学宇宙総合学研究ユニット 第17回シンポジウム、2024年2月10日-11日)
青木悠馬、信川久実子、伊藤耶馬斗、 信川正順、森浩二、金丸善朗、丹波翼、米山友景、小高裕和、中嶋大、松本浩典、野田博文、林田清、内山秀樹、萩野浩一、内田裕之、村上弘志、冨田洋
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
(日本天文学会 2023年秋季年会、名古屋大学、2023年9月20日-22日)
信川久実子、 岩垣純一、 岡崎貴樹、米山友景、 野田博文、 林田清、 松本浩典、中嶋大、森浩二、山内誠、廿日出勇、冨田洋、田中孝明、内田裕之、鶴剛、村上弘志、萩野浩一、幸村孝由、信川正順、小林翔悟、平賀純子、内山秀樹、山岡和貴、尾崎正伸、堂谷忠靖、常深博、 他XARM Xtend team
ASTRO-H搭載 軟X線撮像検出器SXIにおけるCTIおよびCharge Trail補正
ASTRO-H搭載 軟X線撮像検出器 (SXI) : EMシステムを用いた性能評価と機能試験
ASTRO-H搭載 軟X線撮像検出器 (SXI) : FPC熱サイクル試験
すざく衛星によるガンマ線未同定天体 HESS J1841-055の観測
(第12回宇宙科学シンポジウム、JAXA 宇宙科学研究所、2012年1月5–6日)
Revealing the Mass Cycle in Our Galaxy through Measurements of the Dynamics of Galactic Diffuse Plasmas
Yuma Aoki
(XRISM core-to-core Science Workshop for Young Researchers 2024, Tokyo Metropolitan University, September 27, 2024)
Revealing the evolution of the mixed morphology supernova remnant W63
Yamato Shojima
(XRISM core-to-core Science Workshop for Young Researchers 2024, Tokyo Metropolitan University, September 27, 2024)
Revealing evolution scenarios for mixed-morphology supernova remnants
(XRISM Core-to-Core Science Workshop、埼玉大学、2022年10月19-21日)
Low-energy cosmic rays in supernova remnants probed by neutral iron emission lines
(XRISM Core-to-Core Science Workshop、埼玉大学、2022年10月19-21日)
The Neutral Iron Line in the Galactic Ridge: Proton-induced Fluorescence?
K. K. Nobukawa (I received the best poster awards!)
(The 6rd ASTRO-H Summer School, Nara Women's University, August 27-29, 2015)
Study of the Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emission with ASTRO-H
K. Kawabata, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(The 3rd ASTRO-H Summer School, Kyoto, August 20-22, 2013)
Suzaku Observation of the Unidentified Gamma-ray source HESS J1841-055
K. Kawabata, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(GCOE Symposium, Links among Hierarchies, Kyoto University, February 13-15, 2012)
Study of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients with Astro-H
K. Kawabata, M. Nobukawa, T. G. Tsuru, K. Koyama
(The 2nd ASTRO-H Summer School, Shizuoka, August 24-26, 2011)