- "Monopole-vortex continuity of N=1 super Yang-Mills theory on R2xS1xS1 with 't Hooft twist"
- "Exact WKB in all sectors I: Potentials with degenerate saddles"
- "Equivalence of lattice operators and graph matrices"
- "New conjecture on species doubling of lattice fermions"
- "All-order Resurgence from Complexified Path Integral in a Quantum Mechanical System with Integrability"
- "Resurgence and semiclassical expansion in two-dimensional large-N sigma models"
- "Lattice fermions as spectral graphs"
- "Exact-WKB analysis for SUSY and quantum deformed potentials: Quantum mechanics with Grassmann fields and Wess-Zumino terms"
- "Quantum phase transition and Resurgence: Lessons from 3d N=4 SQED"
- "Effective field theory of magnon: Dynamics in chiral magnets and Schwinger mechanism"
- "Exact-WKB, complete resurgent structure, and mixed anomaly in quantum mechanics on S1"
- "Exact WKB analysis of the vacuum pair production by time-dependent electric fields"
- "On exact-WKB analysis, resurgent structure, and quantization conditions"
- "Lattice CPN−1 model with ZN twisted boundary condition: bions, adiabatic continuity and pseudo-entropy"
- "Varieties and properties of central-branch Wilson fermions"
- "Lattice gauge theory for the Haldane conjecture and central-branch Wilson fermion"
- "Instantons in chiral magnets"
- "Confinement-Deconfinement Crossover in the Lattice CPN-1 Model"
- "Fractional theta angle, ’t Hooft anomaly, and quantum instantons in charge-q multi-flavor Schwinger model"
- "Bion non-perturbative contributions versus infrared renormalons in two-dimensional CPN-1 models"
- "Phase structure of the twisted SU(3)/U(1)2 flag sigma model on R×S1"
- "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories"
- "Anomaly matching for the phase diagram of massless ZN-QCD"
- "Circle compactification and 't Hooft anomaly"
- "New class of flat-band models on tetragonal and hexagonal lattices: Gapped versus crossing flat bands"
- "Resurgence structure to all orders of multi-bions in deformed SUSY quantum mechanics"
- "Exact resurgent trans-series and multibion contributions to all orders"
- "Anomaly and sign problem in N = (2,2) SYM on polyhedra: Numerical analysis"
- "Nonperturbative contributions from complexified solutions in CPN-1 models"
- "Non-BPS exact solutions and their relation to bions in CPN-1 models"
- "Understanding QCD at high density from a Z3-symmetric QCD-like theory"
- "Lattice study on QCD-like theory with exact center symmetry"
- "Resurgence in sine-Gordon quantum mechanics: exact agreement between multi-instantons and uniform WKB"
- "Classifying bions in Grassmann sigma models and non-Abelian gauge theories by D-branes"
- "Exact results in discretized gauge theories"
- "Topologically twisted N = (2,2) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on an arbitrary discretized Riemann surface"
- "Neutral bions in the CPN-1 model"
- "Adjoint QCD on R3xS1 with twisted fermionic boundary conditions"
- "Fermion actions extracted from lattice super Yang-Mills theories"
- "Differences and similarities between fundamental and adjoint matters in SU(N) gauge theories"
- "Phase structure and Hosotani mechanism in gauge theories with compact dimensions revisited"
- "QCD phase diagram with two-flavor lattice fermion formulations"
- "Phase structure for lattice fermions with flavored chemical potential terms"
- "Strong-coupling analysis of parity phase structure in staggered-Wilson fermions"
- "Revisiting symmetries of lattice fermions via spin-flavor representation"
- "Index theorem and overlap formalism with naive and minimally doubled fermions"
- "Classification of minimally doubled fermions"
- "Characters of Lattice Fermions Based on the Hyperdiamond Lattice"
- "Melting spectral functions of the scalar and vector mesons in a holographic QCD model"
- "Lattice Fermions Based on Higher-Dimensional Hyperdiamond Lattices"
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