The most elementary objects in nature, called "elementary particles", are described by the theory named as "quantum field theory". Quantum theory describes microscopic phenomena, where positions or speeds of particles are uncertain in general. In quantum field theory, the existence of particles is itself uncertain and the particles can emerge from the vacuum and can disappear too. In our Lab., we investigate the ways of analyzing quantum field theory and apply them to realistic phenomena in order to obtain deeper understanding of the nature. In particular, we attempt to understand "quark confinement" and "mass gap generation" which result in the formation of protons and neutrons by use of mathematical and computational methods.


All the phenomena obey certain natural laws. Everything is composed of atoms and subatomic subjects called elementary particles, whose behavior is determined by the law called quantum theory. On the other hand, the behavior of the stars and planets in the space is determined by the law called general relativity[Fig.1,2]. Physicists consider these two laws are actually different aspects of a single and unique law, which is called "Theory of everything". All the phenomena in nature could be described by such a theory of everything. One of the goals of physics is to find a universal law or equation behind phenomena, while the other goal is to find how this complicated world emerge from such a universal law. To achieve these goals, we study elementary particles[Fig.3] and quantum field theory.

Fig.1 : Quantum theory and General relativity
Fig.2 : Properties of quantum theory
Fig.3 : Elementary particles


Lab. PI

Associate Professor Tatsuhiro Misumi

Bachelor at The University of Tokyo.PhD at Kyoto University.PD at BNL. Assistant Prof. at Keio University. Junior Associate Prof. at Akita University. Associate Professor at Kindai University since 2021.

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