Abstract Submission
Abstract submission for oral presentations is now closed. Oral presentations will be selected based on the submitted abstracts. Notifications of acceptance (oral/poster) will be sent on September 1. Abstract submission for poster presentations is still open. Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts for posters as early as possible. The submission consists of three steps as follows:
- Download the abstract template here, and use Microsoft Word to edit the template file.
- Save your abstract file as "Firstname_Lastname.pdf". Note that all fonts are embed in your PDF file and the size of pdf file must not exceed 5 Mbytes.
- When your abstract is ready, click on the submission button below, and fill out the 'Abstract Submission' form, where you will be asked to upload your abstract.
You may submit more than one abstract. If you experience any technical difficulties with the submission, please send an email to the conference secretary at gyroidiseverywhere@gmail.com and we will be happy to assist you.