
Alan Hugh Schoen was an American physicist and computer scientist renowned for his discovery of the gyroid, an infinitely connected triply periodic minimal surface. The gyroid discovered by Dr. Schoen is a structure seen in butterfly wings and the self-assembly of lipids, surfactants, and polymers, and it is studied in a wide range of fields including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, mechanical engineering, and medicine.

He was born on December 11, 1924, in Mount Vernon, New York. After graduating from Yale University, he came to Japan with the Occupation Forces. After returning to the United States, he earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois and later taught at Niigata campus of Southern Illinois University. Unfortunately, he passed away on July 26, 2023, in Carbondale, Illinois, United States†.

In commemoration of his 100th birth anniversary, we are organizing a symposium entitled “Alan Schoen 100th birth anniversary – Gyroid is everywhere” from November 19 to November 22, 2024, at Kindai University, Osaka, Japan. This symposium is made possible through the support of Toyota Riken, The Simons Foundation, and Kindai University.

The international symposium aims to achieve the following three objectives:

  1. Discover gyroid in nature and create unconventional materials, exemplified by molecular gyroids.
  2. Renovate existing soft gyroid research with unprecedented material design principles.
  3. Discover the foundational principles (geometry and topology) and novel functionalities of gyroids, leading to a rapid transformation and innovation in the material science of gyroids.

By setting these three goals – creation of gyroid substances, renovation of traditional gyroid research, and transformation of gyroid science – the symposium seeks to bring together researchers who align with these objectives. The symposium serves as a starting point to foster future gyroid science. As one of the strategies for strategic international collaboration, the event aims to gather top-tier theoretical researchers in the field of natural sciences along with a diverse group of experimental researchers in science and engineering. Encouraging interaction, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and facilitating reorganization of international collaboration, the symposium aims to transform and advance gyroid research worldwide into a new dimension of comprehensive research areas.

†Stephen T. Hyde and Gerd E Schroeder-Turk, Physics Today, Jan. 2024.


International Advisors

  • Stephen Hyde (Sydney & ANU)
  • Randall Kamien (UPENN)
  • Yushu Matsushita (Toyota Riken)
  • Gerd Schröder‐Turk (Murdoch)

Local organizers

  • Tomonari Dotera (Kindai) chair
  • Atsushi Takano (Nagoya)
  • Takahiro Ichikawa (TUAT)
  • Akiko Sugahara (Kindai)


Important dates

  • Registration (super early), May 31, 2024
  • (Abstract submission due, July 19, 2024)
  • Abstract submission due is extended. Aug 9, 2024
  • Registration (early), July 31, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance oral/poster, September 1, 2024
  • Registration (late), September 30, 2024
